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The activities of the APSI shall be :

  1. To promote the objectives enshrined in the Memorandum of Association.
  2. To associate together in one corporate body, all qualified workers practicing Plastic Surgery or actively interested in Plastic Surgery.
  3. To serve as an agency for safeguarding the interest of its members and for the development of Plastic Surgery and to this end; Monitor and advice on relevant government legislation and university measures; and
    1. Monitor and advice on the activities of bodies connected with public education and
    2. Dissemination of information, the media and the press.
  4. To amalgamate, if deemed expedient in the interest of the APSI, with any other Association having objects similar to those of the APSI and prohibiting the payment of dividend to, or the distribution of its assets or profits amongst its members.
  5. To purchase, take on lease or in exchange, receive by way of gift, grant or otherwise hire or in any other manner acquire any real or personal property and any rights or privileges which are conducive to the attainment by the APSI of its objects as herein set forth or any of them, and to construct, maintain and alter any buildings or erections necessary or desirable for the work of the APSI.
  6. To sell, let, mortgage, dispose of, turn to account, all or any of the property or assets of the APSI as may be thought expedient with a view to the promotion of its objects.
  7. To collect funds by way of subscription, donations gifts, sale of publication and/or to borrow or raise money for the purposes of the APSI on such terms and on such securities as may be thought fit.
  8. To invest the moneys of the APSI not immediately required for its purposes in or upon such investments, securities or property as may be determined by the APSI.
  9. To do all such other things as are incidental or conducive to the attainment of the above objects or any of them.